Desk Online Help


System Requirements

The table below lists the system requirements for using the Desk application:

System Requirements

Operating System Windows 7 (SP1), Windows 8.1 (Update 1 - Desktop only), iOS v7.0 or higher, OS X (v10.6 or higher).
Browser Latest versions of these browsers: Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Internet Explorer (Desktop- Not Metro).
Tablets iPad Air (A7 chip), iPad Mini with Retina Display (A6x chip), iPad Mini with Retina Display (A7 chip) or latest model.
Processor 1 GHz or higher
Memory 8 GB (Recommended)
Display Resolution 1024 x 768 (Minimum)
Others To view exported reports and charts, you must be able to open Microsoft Excel and PowerPoint documents and we certify on Microsoft Office.


    • Desk is not supported on any mobile phones regardless of the operating system.

    • For Tablet device usage, Tap and Swipe replaces mouse actions. For other supported tablets please contact your IRI Support representative.